Monday, February 14, 2011

adopt a blog and critique
ok so i actually think this blog might be better for me to follow since theres more paint on here and some mixed media which is really what i need to focus on. her pieces are really lovely. it seems like she kind of has this asian theme going on in the first few pieces. the second link is the piece im critiquing. to start, i love the way this person has created this piece. the watercolor that drips down and the side profile are just phenomenal. i love the way the colors create a wide range of values and really make the face pop. the message that i see in this piece is that there's a man who looks sort of solemn but maybe deep in thought? i also really enjoy the simplicity of the photo. there isnt a huge distracting background and i think that the piece in itself is very descriptive that it just doesnt need that anyway. there really isnt anything that i would say needs work. i would definitely go see this artist at a museum. i'm eager to see the rest of their work.

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